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Fresh Cake. Fresh cake is ideal for making cakes, sponge cakes, madeleines, sponges, swiss rolls, macaroons, almond pastries. It preserves softness better, reduces moulds development, fix the flavours, and improves the texture and fondant. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailableIsomalt E953. Made from beet sugar, isomalt is unique among replacement sugars because it retains almost all of the physical properties of real sugar with added benefits for sugar artists, cake decorators and pastry chefs. These benefits include an increased resistance to humidity therefore, less sticky to work with and less prone to clouding, and a...
AvailableNougasec. Cooked sugars, especially nougatine and nougat, are extremely hydroscopic and their shelf life has always been an issue. Nougasec is used to suppress the risk of humidity damage to nougats, pralines, crepes and ice cream cones. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailablePectin 325NH95. The pectin 325 NH 95 is a gelling agent for fruit preparation, flavoured gelified milk, dietetic and low-carbohydrate products. The gelling occurs when cooled down, thanks to the interaction of pectin with calcium. The final texture is obtained 24 hours later and irreversible. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailablePectin NH Nappage. The pectine NH Nappage is a gellign agent for coating fruit pulp. The gel is thermoreversible, you can melt it several times without loosing its qualities and the fruit firmness. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailablePectin Rapid Set. The pectin Rapid Set is a a gelling agent used in jams, jellies and garnitures. Gelling occurs when cooled down and with the addition of acid (citric or tartric) after 4 to 8 min. It is irreversible and destroyed by heat. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailablePectin X58. Pectin X58 is a gelling agent for heat reversible coatings or acid fillings in confectionary. The gel obtained perfectly stands freezing and defrosting. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailableStab 2000. Stab 2000 is a stabilizing agent for ice cream. It stabilizes the aqueous structure of the mix avoiding the formation of ice crystals. It also increases viscosity, air incorporation, texture and smoothness. It improves the fat integration and emulsifies the different mix components. Repackaging by Labo&Gato.
AvailableSuper Neutrose. Super Neutrose is a special stabilising agent for sorbets and ice cream. Its anticrystallization property allows to absorb the residual water of mixes composed of fresh or reconsittuted milk, sugar, aromas, cream or butter. It corrects the mixes viscosity, improves the smothness and delicacy, delays the ice melting. Repackaging by...
AvailableTemplate macaroons Labo&Gato 28 shapes. Template for 3.5 and 5 cm macaroons.